Source code for pygeohydro.plot

"""Plot hydrological signatures.

Plots includes  daily, monthly and annual hydrograph as well as regime
curve (monthly mean) and flow duration curve.
import calendar
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union, ValuesView

import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm, ListedColormap

from . import helpers
from .exceptions import InvalidInputType

[docs]def signatures( daily: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], precipitation: Optional[pd.Series] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, title_ypos: float = 1.02, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (14, 13), threshold: float = 1e-3, output: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> None: """Plot hydrological signatures with w/ or w/o precipitation. Plots includes daily, monthly and annual hydrograph as well as regime curve (mean monthly) and flow duration curve. The input discharges are converted from cms to mm/day based on the watershed area, if provided. Parameters ---------- daily : pd.DataFrame or pd.Series The streamflows in mm/day. The column names are used as labels on the plot and the column values should be daily streamflow. precipitation : pd.Series, optional Daily precipitation time series in mm/day. If given, the data is plotted on the second x-axis at the top. title : str, optional The plot supertitle. title_ypos : float The vertical position of the plot title, default to 1.02 figsize : tuple, optional Width and height of the plot in inches, defaults to (14, 13) inches. threshold : float, optional The threshold for cutting off the discharge for the flow duration curve to deal with log 0 issue, defaults to :math:`1^{-3}` mm/day. output : str, optional Path to save the plot as png, defaults to ``None`` which means the plot is not saved to a file. """ discharge, prcp = _prepare_plot_data(daily, precipitation) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) gs = fig.add_gridspec(4, 2) sub_ax = [gs[0, :], gs[1, :], gs[2, 0], gs[2, 1], gs[3, :]] for sp, f in zip(sub_ax[:-1], discharge._fields[:-2]): ax = fig.add_subplot(sp) _discharge = getattr(discharge, f) # noqa: B009 _title = discharge.titles[f] _unit = discharge.units[f] qxval = _discharge.index ax.plot(qxval, _discharge) ax.set_ylabel(f"$Q$ ({_unit})") if prcp is not None: _prcp = getattr(prcp, f) # noqa: B009 _prcp = _prcp.loc[_prcp.index.intersection(qxval)] ax_p = ax.twinx() if _prcp.shape[0] > 1000: ax_p.plot(_prcp.index, _prcp.to_numpy().ravel(), alpha=0.7, color="g") else: _prcp.index, _prcp.to_numpy().ravel(), alpha=0.7, width=prcp.bar_width[f], color="g", align="edge", ) ax_p.set_ylim(_prcp.max().to_numpy()[0] * 2.5, 0) ax_p.set_ylabel(f"$P$ ({_unit})") ax.set_xlim(qxval[0], qxval[-1]) ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_title(_title) if len(_discharge.columns) > 1 and f == "daily": ax.legend( _discharge.columns, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.02, 1.0, 0.102), loc="lower right", ncol=len(_discharge), ) if f == "annual": ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.dates.YearLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter("%Y")) ax = fig.add_subplot(sub_ax[-1]) for col in discharge.daily: dc = discharge.ranked[[col, f"{col}_rank"]] dc = dc[dc > threshold] ax.plot(dc[f"{col}_rank"], dc[col], label=col) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_xlim(0, 100) ax.set_xlabel("% Exceedance") ax.set_ylabel(fr"$\log(Q)$ ({discharge.units['ranked']})") ax.set_title("Flow Duration Curve") plt.tight_layout() plt.suptitle(title, size=16, y=title_ypos) if output is not None: _check_dir(output) plt.savefig(output, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
[docs]class PlotDataType(NamedTuple): """Data structure for plotting hydrologic signatures.""" daily: pd.DataFrame monthly: pd.DataFrame annual: pd.DataFrame mean_monthly: pd.DataFrame ranked: pd.DataFrame bar_width: Dict[str, int] titles: Dict[str, str] units: Dict[str, str]
def _prepare_plot_data( daily: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], precipitation: Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]] = None, ) -> Tuple[PlotDataType, Optional[PlotDataType]]: if not isinstance(daily, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): raise InvalidInputType("daily", "pd.DataFrame or pd.Series") discharge = prepare_plot_data(daily) if not isinstance(precipitation, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)) and precipitation is not None: raise InvalidInputType("precipitation", "pd.DataFrame or pd.Series") prcp = None if precipitation is None else prepare_plot_data(precipitation) return discharge, prcp
[docs]def prepare_plot_data(daily: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]) -> PlotDataType: """Generae a structured data for plotting hydrologic signatures. Parameters ---------- daily : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame The data to be processed ranked : bool, optional Whether to sort the data by rank for plotting flow duration curve, defaults to False. Returns ------- NamedTuple Containing ``daily, ``monthly``, ``annual``, ``mean_monthly``, ``ranked`` fields. """ if isinstance(daily, pd.Series): daily = daily.to_frame() monthly = daily.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq="M")).sum() annual = daily.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq="Y")).sum() month_abbr = dict(enumerate(calendar.month_abbr)) mean_month = daily.groupby(daily.index.month).mean() mean_month.index = ranked = exceedance(daily) _titles = [ "Total Hydrograph (daily)", "Total Hydrograph (monthly)", "Total Hydrograph (annual)", "Regime Curve (monthly mean)", "Flow Duration Curve", ] _units = [ "mm/day", "mm/month", "mm/year", "mm/month", "mm/day", ] fields = PlotDataType._fields titles = dict(zip(fields[:-1], _titles)) units = dict(zip(fields[:-1], _units)) bar_width = dict(zip(fields[:-2], [1, 30, 365, 1])) return PlotDataType(daily, monthly, annual, mean_month, ranked, bar_width, titles, units)
[docs]def cover_legends() -> Tuple[ListedColormap, BoundaryNorm, List[float]]: """Colormap (cmap) and their respective values (norm) for land cover data legends.""" nlcd_meta = helpers.nlcd_helper() bounds = list(nlcd_meta["colors"].keys()) cmap = ListedColormap(list(nlcd_meta["colors"].values())) norm = BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) levels = bounds + [100] return cmap, norm, levels
[docs]def exceedance(daily: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]: """Compute Flow duration (rank, sorted obs).""" if isinstance(daily, pd.Series): daily = daily.to_frame() ranks = daily.rank(ascending=False, pct=True) * 100 fdc = [ pd.DataFrame({c: daily[c], f"{c}_rank": ranks[c]}) .sort_values(by=f"{c}_rank") .reset_index(drop=True) for c in daily ] return pd.concat(fdc, axis=1)
def _check_dir( fpath_itr: Optional[ Union[ValuesView[Optional[Union[str, Path]]], List[Optional[Union[str, Path]]], str, Path] ] ) -> None: """Create parent directory for a file if doesn't exist.""" if isinstance(fpath_itr, (str, Path)): fpath_itr = [fpath_itr] elif not isinstance(fpath_itr, Iterable): raise InvalidInputType("fpath_itr", "str or iterable") for f in fpath_itr: if f is None: continue parent = Path(f).parent if not parent.is_dir(): try: os.makedirs(parent) except OSError: raise OSError(f"Parent directory cannot be created: {parent}")