Source code for pygeohydro.helpers

"""Some helper function for PyGeoHydro."""
from typing import Any, Dict

import defusedxml.ElementTree as etree
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pygeoogc import RetrySession

[docs]def nlcd_helper() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get legends and properties of the NLCD cover dataset. Notes ----- The following references have been used: - - - """ url = ( "" + "NLCD_2016_Land_Cover_Science_product_L48.xml" ) r = RetrySession().get(url) root = etree.fromstring(r.content) clist = root[4][1][1].text.split("\n")[2:] _colors = [i.split() for i in clist] colors = {int(c): (float(r), float(g), float(b)) for c, r, g, b in _colors} classes = { root[4][0][3][i][0][0].text: root[4][0][3][i][0][1].text.split("-")[0].strip() for i in range(3, len(root[4][0][3])) } nlcd_meta = { "impervious_years": [2016, 2011, 2006, 2001], "canopy_years": [2016, 2011], "cover_years": [2016, 2013, 2011, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2001], "classes": classes, "categories": { "Unclassified": ("0"), "Water": ("11", "12"), "Developed": ("21", "22", "23", "24"), "Barren": ("31",), "Forest": ("41", "42", "43", "45", "46"), "Shrubland": ("51", "52"), "Herbaceous": ("71", "72", "73", "74"), "Planted/Cultivated": ("81", "82"), "Wetlands": ("90", "95"), }, "roughness": { "11": 0.001, "12": 0.022, "21": 0.0404, "22": 0.0678, "23": 0.0678, "24": 0.0404, "31": 0.0113, "41": 0.36, "42": 0.32, "43": 0.4, "45": 0.4, "46": 0.24, "51": 0.24, "52": 0.4, "71": 0.368, "72": np.nan, "81": 0.325, "82": 0.16, "90": 0.086, "95": 0.1825, }, "colors": colors, } return nlcd_meta
[docs]def nwis_errors() -> pd.DataFrame: """Get error code lookup table for USGS sites that have daily values.""" return pd.read_html("")[0]